Teen DUI Statistics and Other Impaired Driving Statistics

Teen DUI statistics should scare us all. Impaired driving is a major factor that increases the risk of a serious crash. Impaired driving includes driving under the influence of alcohol or drug use, including marijuana, and when drowsy. Impaired driving affects judgment, reaction times, and awareness, which makes it especially dangerous for teen drivers whose inexperience already places them four times more likely to crash than adults. 

Teens need to understand when they are unfit to drive. Consuming alcohol or other drugs, including marijuana, in any amount, makes them unfit to drive and can result in a DUI or worse. While it can be harder to recognize, driving while drowsy is also considered an “impairment” and increases crash risk.

It’s critical that teens avoid riding with an impaired driver. Teens should know they can always call or text a parent for a ride home instead of getting in a car with an impaired driver. Teenagers and parents should know teen DUI statistics, impaired driving laws, and other facts about impaired driving to help manage this crash risk. Alternative rides home, such as taxis and ride share companies, are options in more populated areas.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) offers a Contract for Life that promises the teen, both as driver or passenger, will call or text home for a safe ride instead of getting into a car when the driver could be intoxicated, high, or tired, which is very dangerous. Families may want to consider using this contract to encourage use of a code word when needed.

Families with teens should be encouraged by research conducted at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia that shows teens with involved parents are less likely to crash and much less likely to drive intoxicated compared to teens with less involved parents. Keeping the lines of communication open really matters. Teens who share knowledge about their lives with their parents are less likely to abuse alcohol in the future and to drive while impaired.

Watch this video to improve communication with your teen:

How to Help Your Teen Not Drive Impaired

  • Listen and be responsive to teens’ concerns, which are often quite practical. Although it may be difficult to hear, encourage teens to share potential unsafe scenarios where parents may need to help. These can include being asked to ride home with someone who is impaired or driving while impaired.
  • Develop rules and expectations together. Teens need to know that they can always call their parents for a ride home instead of getting in a car with an impaired driver or driving themselves without being punished. Parents themselves can be the reason for teens saying “no” to peers to avoid unsafe situations.
  • Be a role model. Never drink and drive.

It's also important to be aware that the latest personal alcohol breath testing devices paired with smartphones failed to detect drivers when over the legal driving limit more than half the time. So, if your teen plans to rely on one of these tests to avoid a DUI instead of calling you for a ride home, talk about why this is not a good idea based on this new research


In 2022, 19% of alcohol-impaired drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes were age 15-20, and 29% of alcohol-impaired drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes were age 21-24, the highest percentage compared to other age groups. 

More Teen DUI Statistics and Impaired Driving Facts

  • In 2022, one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 39 minutes on average.
  • 30% of young drivers (age 15-20) who were killed in traffic crashes in 2022 had blood alcohol concentrations (BACS) of .01 grams per deciliter (g/dL) or higher; 25 percent had BACs of .08g/dL or higher.
  • Drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes are less likely to use restraints when they have been drinking. 47% of young drivers (age 15-20) involved in fatal crashes in 2022 who had been drinking were not wearing a seat belt. Of the young drivers (age 15-20) who had been drinking and were killed in traffic crashes, 67% were unrestrained.
  • Teens who drink underage or who ride with impaired drivers are more likely to drive impaired themselves.
  • Teen drivers are less likely than adults to drink and drive, but their crash risk is substantially higher when they do, even with low or moderate blood-alcohol (BAC) levels.
  • In a recent federal study conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak, half of drivers who were seriously or fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes tested positive for at least one active drug, including alcohol, cannabinoids (active THC), and opioids. 
  • In 2021, 23% of high school students nationwide reported drinking alcohol at least once during the past month.