Now in its 17th year, National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 20-26, 2024) is dedicated to raising awareness and seeking solutions to prevent teen injuries and deaths on the road. This grassroots movement has brought millions of teens, parents, schools, law enforcement, advocates, and policymakers from across the country together to tackle a leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. – car crashes.
From seeking change on the local level with a seat belt check or safe driving pledge wall to meeting with elected officials, teens and others are using National Teen Driver Safety Week as a platform to create positive change.
Many people, including teens, think that the best way to reach young adults is to “scare them straight.” This rarely works. In fact, it can be overwhelming and cause teens to shut down. Research shows that teens understand they are vulnerable and are well aware of many risks. So, focusing on positive actions that teens can take to be safe and to keep their friends safe, can be powerful messages for teens. In fact, the best way to change behavior over time is messaging that promotes positive action.
Get the conversation started about safe driving behaviors during National Teen Driver Safety Week in your community, school, or workplace. Get involved by sharing safety messages with others during National Teen Driver Safety Week and throughout the year.