In the News

Read news stories featuring the research behind Teen Driver Source and evidence-based resources.

Testing A New Care Model to Assess Young Drivers

New CHOP research shows how implementation of a virtual driving assessment in the primary care setting as part of routine care is not only feasible, but also desired by adolescents.

Child Injuries from THC Use

Learn about the growing epidemic of child injury from marijuana-related products across the United States from CHOP Poison Control Center experts.

Science Update: Youth with Mood Disorders Less Likely to Get Driver’s License, NIH-Funded Study Suggests

Youth with mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder, were 30% less likely to obtain a driver’s license than other youth, suggests a study conducted by researchers at the NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

‘You Belong’: Listening to CHOP LGBTQIA2S+ Voices in STEM

Research Scientist Dr. Elizabeth Walshe speaks in a new video series featuring voices from CHOP's LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Licensed to Drive, But Are They Prepared to Be Safe?

Dr. Elizabeth Walshe discusses the implications of a recent review of mandated driving training requirements in all 50 states.

Speed Cameras, Cellphone Bans: Do They Make Driving Safer?

Elizabeth Walshe, PhD discusses distracted driving in this live interview at WHYY's Studio 2.