Teen Driver Source Bibliography

Key citations for the facts, statistics, and other information on the Teen Driver Source website are listed here organized by section. Young Driver Safety researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia help to ensure that this information is evidenced-informed and current with the state of the science.

key citations for Thinking of Driving section

key citations for Learning to Drive section

key citations for Driving Alone section

key citations for Teen Crash Risks & Prevention section

key citations for Advocacy & Education section


Recommended Minimum GDL Provisions

Learner’s Permit

Intermediate Period

Speeding Laws

  • Curry AE, Hafetz J, Kallan MJ, Winston FK, Durbin DR. Prevalence of Teen Driver Errors Leading to Serious Motor Vehicle CrashesAccid Anal and Prev. 2011;43(4):1285-1290.
  • National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2024, July). Young Drivers: 2022 Data (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 813 582). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 
  • National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2019, May). Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes. (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 812 794). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  • National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2019, May). Speeding. (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 812 687). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Seat Belt Laws

Impaired Driving Laws

Marijuana Driving Laws

Distracted Driving Laws

Learning to Drive

Practice Driving Lessons from TDP
Driving Basics
Driving Environments
Parking Lots
Residential Roads
Intermediate Roads
Commercial Roads
Country Roads
Additional Challenges


Older Novice Drivers

Driving With Neurodevelopmental Differences

ADHD and Driving

Autism and Driving

Driving With A Medical Condition

Driving School Considerations

Driving Alone

Intermediate License Tips from TDP

Setting House Rules

Parent Teen Driving Agreement

Parents as Role Models

Develop a Code Word

Car Considerations

After A Crash

Teen Crash Risks & Prevention

Car Accident Prevention

Basic Facts About Teen Crashes


Driving Hazards

Nighttime Driving

Rules of the Road


Seat Belt Use

Impaired Driving

Marijuana Use and Driving

Drowsy Driving

Distracted Driving

Peer Passengers

Cell Phones

Advocacy & Education

Advocate for Better GDL

GDL Identifiers and Decals

Recommended Age for Intermediate License

Promote Compliance with GDL